TacticalPay Radio is back with our third episode ever! On this show, Brett is joined by Sam Paredes, who is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of California, the oldest pro-gun political action committee in the United States. Sam is also on the organization’s Board of Directors and serves as Treasurer of the Gun Owners Foundation.
Sam has been interviewed by countless California news outlets in addition to national media outlets such as Fox News, ABC World News Tonight, and even Al Jazeera for his expertise on gun laws in the Golden State. Sam’s intricate knowledge of how to run an effective organization focused on gun ownership gives him unique insight into all things related to the firearms community.

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Episode Highlights
- Sam shares his story of becoming a gun rights advocate and what Gun Owners of California’s objectives are.
- Sam offers guidance for interacting with the media successfully when discussing guns, key advice for anyone in the firearms industry.
- Learn what you should say if you’re ever asked to defend the 2nd Amendment, something Sam has done many times.
- Sam offers up some of his very favorite gear recommendations.
- And a whole lot more!
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Industry Spotlight
Gun Owners of California

Gun Owners of California (GOC) is the oldest pro-gun political action committee in the USA, having been a part of the effort to protect the 2nd Amendment since it became necessary to do so.
GOC’s origins can be found back in 1975. California’s State Legislature sought to ban all handguns, so Senator H.L. Richardson went to work to mobilize citizens and gun owners throughout the state to defeat the measure. This was the founding of Gun Owners of California. In the decades since, the long-standing and notable of GOC has continued.
The organization is proud of several firsts, such as being the first pro-gun group to speak out in the media against the ban of semi-automatic handguns, rifles and shotguns. Additionally GOC was the first gun group in the country to create a video for television dispelling misinformation about semi-automatic firearms.
Their success captured considerable attention, and through legislative changes GOC has continued to run effective gun rights advocacy campaigns. Currently they operate as a 501(c)4 non-profit, operating exclusively from membership contributions and donations.
Their approach involve a three-pronged strategy to advocate for gun owner rights in California’s capitol (Sacramento), in the courts, and through elections. Their executive director, Sam Paredes has been with GOC for over 35 years and continues to guide the organization toward achieving their goals of protecting gun rights in the Golden State.
TacticalPay Gear Picks of The Week
We love asking our guests for their favorite gear recommendations, which is why we have this specific segment. Sometimes their picks are specific, other times they’re general… but it’s always worth a look for anyone interested in having the best loadout.

Dynamic Research Technologies (DRT) Ammo
If you’re looking for quality ammunition, either for hunting or especially for self defense, then look no further than DRT. They have developed revolutionary lead free, penetrating frangible ammunition in time proven calibers. Their frangible bullet breaks apart upon penetration of organic targets and returns to its original powder form while at the same time delivering terminal effects on the target. Sam highly recommends this ammunition!

Mossberg 500 Shotgun
As a gun rights advocate, Sam knows quite a bit when it comes to gun makes and models. For shotguns, he recommends Mossberg 500 shotgun for hunting or self defense. After 50 years and over 10 million and counting sold… as well as the only pump action to be declared MilSpec- the Mossberg 500 remains one of the most versatile and reliable shotgun platforms available. If you’re looking for a great shotgun, start here!

Smith & Wesson M&P 9MM
Sam is no stranger to handguns, and highly recommends the Smith & Wesson M&P 9MM. This handgun has a reinforced polymer chassis, superior ergonomics, ambidextrous controls, and proven safety features. When designing this handgun, Smith and Wesson considered the needs of military and law enforcement from all angles, making it stand out with it’s combination of versatility, durability, and safety.