It’s time to tune in for another great episode of TacticalPay radio! This week, we’re thrilled to have Emily Valentine of Style Me Tactical on the show to talk all about concealed carry for women. Style doesn’t have to be sacrificed for protection!
Emily Valentine is the founder of Style Me Tactical, an unique and extremely popular lifestyle blog. Style Me Tactical showcases the experiences (e.g., concealed carry options) for female gun owners as well as beauty & wellness. She is also a co-host of the Not Your Average Gun Girls podcast, which just started publishing episodes at the most recent Shot Show in Las Vegas. Having been introduced to guns at a young age, it wasn’t until she was much older that she truly became passionate about guns, and gun rights.
When it comes to talking concealed carry for women and style, we couldn’t ask for a better guest!

Listen To The Show
Episode Highlights
- How Emily first got introduced to firearms.
- Why Emily is a big proponent of concealed carry.
- How concealed carry options for women have improved over the years.
- What huge insights Emily learned while attending the 2018 Shot Show.
- Plus a whole lot more!
Featured on the Show
- Connect with Emily V and Style Me Tactical: Instagram
- Connect with the Show: Podcast Episode Hub
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Industry Spotlight
Style Me Tactical

Style Me Tactical was launched in 2015, and is the first lifestyle site which blends both women’s fashion and self-reliance. Since its launch it has grown both as a community and as a resource. Emily Valentine’s mission with Style Me Tactical is simple, empower women to become inspired, informed, and encouraged to live a lifestyle where being prepared and being able to defend yourself can coexist with fashion.
In addition to a shop, Style Me Tactical also has loads of informative articles on lifestyle and fashion, preparedness, women and guns, and more. SMT is also incredibly active on social media, boasting a twitter account, facebook, pinterest, and instagram account with over 15k followers! Style Me Tactical’s latest efforts have been in a new podcast called “Girl Meets Gun” which covers all aspects of being a female gun owner.
With 3 successful years already under the site’s belt, and the founder Emily Valentine still going strong, expect their success to continue!
TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of The Week
Each week, we select and recognize a “TacticalPay Featured Community Organization of the Week”. Created to showcase a community organization that is doing important work related to the firearms community, we our team select one organization each week from hundreds of local clubs, shooting groups, hunting and wildlife organizations, education and advocacy organizations, and other firearms related community organizations. The featured organization is selected by our show’s producer, so if you know of a community organization that you believe is doing excellent work on behalf of the broader firearms community that you’d like to see recognized, drop us a line.
This week, we’ve got a great one for you!

The Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA)
This week, we’re highlighting the Tennessee Firearms Association, which is a not-for-profit corporation formed to promote the right to keep and bear arms. In fact the TFA is the only full-time organization supporting the right to keep, bear and wear arms for Tennesseans. They accomplish their goals through strong membership support and legislative efforts.
Their activities vary throughout the year, currently (in March) they are reporting weekly and urging members/the public to take action on pending legislation that can advance or more commonly retard 2nd Amendment rights in Tennessee. That process will end in perhaps 3-4 weeks when the legislature adjourns for the year.
Once the legislature adjourns, they put together a report of enacted laws once the governor acts on all of them to keep their members informed.
They also focus on state/governmental election races to help advance their organizations goals.
Lastly, in addition to meetings and guest speakers, they have annual fundraiser/gun auction in September.
Needless to say, TFA is incredibly active with their community and worthy of recognition for their efforts in protecting the gun rights of their members and all Tennesseans. If you connect with them online, you can find out more about their events, browse their online store, donate, or just sign up for their newsletter to see all the topics they address.
So to the Tennessee Firearms Association, we say, we appreciate your work on behalf of the firearms community!