Austin Reville: How a passion for collecting led to a $1.6 million range location

About This Episode

In today’s episode of Tactical Business, host Wade Skalsky sits down with With Austin Reville of 2 If by Sea Tactical. Austin shares his journey from college football to counterterrorism, then shipping logistics, and now running a successful firearm business. Discover how his passion for firearms led to creating a thriving shop. Hear about his experiences, industry insights, and the unique connections he’s made. Don’t miss out on Austin’s fascinating stories and the exciting future of his business!

Insights In This Episode

  • How firearms industry faces political and financial hurdles, including service denial from card processors
  • The economy affects the collectible firearms market, with prices rising significantly over the years
  • Austin emphasizes the importance of finding the right firearm fit for each individual
  • Different gun stores can thrive by focusing on specialized areas, like tactical training or historical firearms
  • The business adapts to changing markets and customer interests, such as the rise in pistol-based firearms.

About Tactical Business

Tactical Business is the weekly business show for the firearms industry. The podcast features in-depth interviews with the entrepreneurs, professionals and technologists who are enabling the next generation of firearms businesses to innovate and grow.

Episode Transcript

Wade: Welcome to the Tactical Business Show. I’m your host, Virginia Beach based firearms entrepreneur and copywriter Wade Skalsky. Each episode will be exploring what it takes to thrive as a business owner in the firearms industry. We’ll speak with successful firearms industry entrepreneurs about their experiences building their companies, leaders and legislators who are shaping the industry, and tech executives whose innovations will reshape the future of the firearms industry. Let’s get after it. Welcome to the Tactical Business Podcast. I am your host, Wade Skalsky, and today we’re speaking with Austin Reville from 2 If By Sea Tactical. Austin, how are you doing today, sir?

Austin: Doing well sir. How about yourself?

Wade: I’m good, I’m good. Before we started the recording, I know that we were talking about how things are going for you up there in Minnesota, which used to be my neck of the woods. And the only question I have for you that’s relevant is, what do you call it, a soda or a pop?

Austin: Well, so I born and raised in Alabama, so it’s actually Coke. That’s what we typically. And that was everything. It didn’t matter if it was Mountain Dew, Pepsi. I guess pop is the correct term up there.

Wade: Yeah. In Minnesota, North Dakota, pop is the correct term.

Austin: South Dakota seems to be soda, though. We were just over there a couple of weeks ago there.

Wade: We never liked those people. Well, I’m excited to talk to you today. I know you have a super interesting story and I can’t wait to learn more about your business, but how did you get to where you are right now in the firearms business? I know there’s a lot of different ways that people can come into our industry, so I’ll give you the backstory. How did you get here?

Austin: Well, growing up in Alabama, firearms were always a part of our lives. Everybody we knew had them went hunting. We got into shooting sports as a younger kids, me and my brothers. To be fair, I was actually, as I moved off to college, went through a wild phase where I wouldn’t say fully anti-gun, but I definitely had stronger opinions on what should and shouldn’t be owned than I do now. And it wasn’t until I moved to New York and California that I got firsthand experience of how well that works when it comes to different gun control aspects, and it opened me up into the firearm world in a way that I was just very casual about before to, I think, is what my wife uses now. I got a collector’s firearm, nothing special. Mosin-nagant about ten years ago, and it was just that aspect of being able to hold and use history that really got me like, oh, what else could I buy? Turns out, as long as you got money, you can pretty much buy anything. I don’t have a lot of money, so the limit of what I can collect is capped by how much I can afford. But as I got into the collecting market, it just naturally progressed well. I’m tired of paying transfer fees. What if I just got my FFL and did it myself? And that could cut out the middleman a little bit. So I went and did that and just was home based out of my 980 square foot townhome, just doing some transfers, enough to show that I was in business to get the license, but nothing major when I moved down here to New Prague, Minnesota, though, it turns out that there’s not any gun dealers within the 35 minute radius, though, so the transfers ended up becoming, like, insane.

Austin: We got so many of them, especially through 2020. I started carrying some items and selling them as well out of my home, and it got to the point where we were doing so much business. I’d be out of my home and I was working a full time job. We’re doing well over 100 K every year and my wife’s like, this is what you enjoy doing. You should absolutely dive into it. Let’s just open up a shop and do it. And so I did that about three years ago, quit my full time job, took the leap of faith, got a brick and mortar store, which is what we’ve been running for the last three years. We just, what, two weeks ago closed on a loan and the lease for a warehouse that we’re converting into an indoor shooting range. So we’re expanding pretty rapidly here, but we’re pretty exclusive in the area too, so we’re lucky in that aspect. But but yeah, that’s how I grew. Just a tabletop FFL, like so many of us in this industry, just started very small and it spiraled into something much bigger. And you can get as nerdy about these things as you want to. And I’m a massive nerd. So when you start getting into ballistics and then historical pieces, it was just a natural progression and it’s become a family industry. My brother now works as the social media guy for and does all their reviews and stuff in-house. So we I don’t know, it’s just become such a big part of our lives. It’s been a really awesome though, as you can tell behind me, I really like my guns.

Wade: No, absolutely. And it’s so cool that you went the passion route you went from. This is now my passion and it just evolved organically from there. What were you doing before full time that you left? What career were you doing then?

Austin: I had such a winding story to this out of college. My dream was to play college football. I got to do it then. I want to be a college football coach. I did do that for five years. And unlike they’d have, you know, when you’re of the big guy, sure, you make a lot of money, but for most colleges you’re living off of pennies. And they got I did that for five years. And it’s like, Chef Boyardee is great, but I would like real food. So let’s find a job. I went into counterterrorism after that, a little private contracting, and then I ended up working shipping logistics right before I started this full time, just so I would have the flexibility to work from home so I could be home to receive the packages and stuff, because you have to sign, obviously, for everything and then quit this. So I’ve worked a lot of different things. This is definitely exciting to do. You never know. To borrow the Rick Harrison Pawn Stars phrase, you never know what’s going to walk through the door. Just the other day, we had a pair of Nazi lugers walk through.

Austin: It’s really cool to see and it’s amazing what people own. I had there’s a lady in the living not far from us that has a 1813 Kentucky Long rifle in amazing condition. It’s been passed down in her family for generations. I don’t know, like you said, passion. And as that kind of grew, it’s like, oh, this is really what I want to do. I really want to get into this and dig deeper. We started our own YouTube channel, doing some of the historical stuff that comes to the shop. Just because of that, I enjoy reading up on why things were designed the way they were, what purpose they served. There’s a lot of nuance when it comes to firearms, unfortunately, a lot of mistruths as well, so hopefully we can help combat that. But we very much enjoyed what’s grown into this kind of large business in town. Our next our next move is going to be like 10,000ft² shop with a range and everything. So it’s gone quite a bit from my basement to a 700 square foot shop to this massive facility.

Wade: Now I don’t want to get let’s talk about that for a second. That move. Right. So because I don’t want to get too far into the weeds on it, but in terms of the financing, was that something that you did like an SBA loan or is that private financing or how did you go about doing that?

Austin: Well, we started out SBA, but I actually the bank we’ve worked with when I went full time gave us a small loan to start up our shop, uh, decided they wanted to house it in house. So it’s $1.6 million. That’s what we needed to convert it. And they decided to in house. Now, knowing people in the industry, there’s a couple people I know that did start their own ranges. This is unusual. It’s usually SBA. That’s what it sounds like. We’re lucky we had a small town bank that was passionate as well about what we were doing and very excited. And the bank president’s also a really good customer of mine, so that helps. He very much is like, well, I’ll do this as long as I get a free membership. Yeah, well, it sounds good to me. You got yourself a deal there, sir. Um, so.

Wade: Well, and I think that’s really good too, is one of the emphasis in the firearms community. Always is. It’s better to be local than it is to, to to keep your relationships locally as strong as you can, because that’s just from a preparedness stand for it. That’s from a firearm standpoint. That’s the road business standpoint. You can’t go wrong doing that.

Austin: Yeah. And also the unfortunate reality is firearms have also have become a kind of political football. Obviously we won’t wade into that. But when people know you it makes them harder to just turn off your services, which has happened, I’m sure as you’ve talked to a bunch of people in this industry, you’ve heard the stories and we are I’m among them where they turned off the card processors overnight. And just like, you know what? We’re not going to service this industry anymore. It’s hard to do when you actually know the person and know that you’re not a part of the problem. And I like to think of firearm dealer, a barbershop. It’s a very personal experience from seller to customer. It’s one of the very few things in life that you have to do in person, at least the end portion of it, with the background check and everything. We can’t just do everything virtual, not face to face, which does give you a really personal experience, and you get to know people pretty well because they come back quite a bit. And and we’ve been very fortunate. We have a very good customer base and the amount of people that just come in to hang out and talk, I don’t know, there’s something about that, whether they buy anything or not. It’s just really nice. It’s a very unique industry. My in-laws own a lumber yard and hardware store and just watching and talking to them, we’re so different. I’m sure the federal regulations obviously have a lot to do with it, which also forces it to the personal level and local level, just because, for instance, can’t sell handguns across state lines. So shipping, even if you bought it from me and you live in Arizona, for instance, you end up having to ship it to Arizona. So you actually interact with the end user in Arizona, not 2 If By Sea Tactical and New Prague. It’s just unique in that scenario.

Wade: Yeah. Well we’re obviously I’m definitely aware of the credit card processing situation because Tactical Pay is our main sponsor for the podcast. And that’s what their specialty is. Right, is they provide credit card processing for the firearms community because we know it’s a very has a very specific set of needs and a very specific set of challenges, but a very loyal customer base that can provide a great service for firearms businesses on the processing side. They’ll never leave you, right? Because they know that’s something that you know that if you’re loyal to them, they’ll be loyal to you for sure.

Austin: Exactly.

Wade: And then the other thing that you talked about as well is the personal aspect of it. One thing I love about talking to brick and mortar people is that people are always on a journey with firearms. It’s not something where you just learn, hey, I’m going to shoot and then you just plateau there. There’s so much depth to every part of firearms. And so you’ve gone down that road with the collectibles, right. And starting how has that market changed? What are you seeing in the trends there? Do you do a lot of that type of work? Oh yeah. What are you seeing there?

Austin: It’s a very fickle market right now obviously, with the economy being where it is. Money’s a bit tight, and the collectible market has gotten extremely expensive, even from when I started ten years ago. And, of course, we get some old timers come in and be like, I used to buy my M-1 grand for $15 at the local hardware store 50 years ago. Well, those days are long gone. But even when I started ten years ago, 650 bucks would get you one. Well, now we’re talking like 13 to 1500. So it’s doubled quadrupled in that market. So it’s become to the point where it’s pricing people out unfortunately. So it’s shrunk in some ways. But we are seeing a new generation take up the mantle as well. And this is something I did not anticipate when I started ten years ago. Getting into collecting, it was mostly older people. They were doing it and I was by far the youngest person going to these swap meets and stuff. I bring down the median age by 30 years, showing up to these things. That is starting to switch because of video games, the Call of Duty, World War Two, the Battlefield Fives, battlefield ones. People realized, oh, there’s these cool firearms out there. Sometimes the video games don’t do a great job referencing what they actually work or look like, but they realize, oh, I can go own that. And it’s like, yeah, you can. Right now I have a French Berthier M16 rifle from 1908 sitting in my shop now finding ammo. Of course, that’s always the trick for some of these older guns, but we are starting to see an uptick in that for the first time, probably in about 4 or 5 years, where younger generation is really getting excited, which for me, that’s awesome to see because it was hard for me to connect sometimes to the older generation because I’m so far removed from anything they knew. But the flip side of that is more people get into it. It’s a limited supply. These things aren’t being made anymore, and therefore the price goes up naturally.

Wade: It’s easy to connect with some of the older gentleman. You just kind of start talking about 1911. That’s true. Just kind of be like, hey, let’s talk about the 1911 and then you don’t talk about it, then talk back.

Austin: To back World war champs, man. Let’s do it.

Wade: You know.

Austin: It. I had someone came in the other day and was like, I take my 1911 over your Glock any day. It’s like, okay, well, we can see how that goes, but, uh, well. But still. Great gun, great gun. Not disturb.

Wade: I’m not a 1911 guy. I’m a Glock guy. But the reason why I’m a Glock guy is because my firearms instructor who taught me to shoot was a Glock guy. If he would have been a CID guy, I’d be a CID guy. Right? So like, I understand that I don’t have a connection to it, like World War two or World War One, or it’s just a giant gun. It’s seven.

Austin: Bullets. I have multiple 19 elevens from all through going all the way back to 1945. I have a war or two issues. One, I have a modern one, and then I also have an AMT Hardballer, which is the longer barrel version that you see in the original Terminator. I love them, and obviously you don’t get Glock without you without that, because John Browning invented that whole mechanism. So not to diss the 1911 people, actually, I love them. There are smaller, lighter weight options out there, which is really the selling point for most people. But you’re right, they’re very passionate about their firearms, and you are starting to see that passion trickle out amongst a whole new generation and a whole untapped market. Like women, for instance, the amount of women I have in my concealed carry classes and stuff is awesome to see. Prior to 2020, you did not see that 2020 has really opened the door to so many people. I’m excited to see where this goes, to be honest with you. And that’s the.

Wade: Important. And I joke around and I have friends and they like 911 and I think that’s a great thing. And this is the great part about brick and mortar, right? Is that I believe that everyone has a gun. That’s their gun, and only they can discover what that gun is. All right. And so if it’s a 1911 or if it’s a, if it’s a sig or whatever it is for that, just for whatever reason, you shoot that gun when you put it in your hand and you shoot it, you’re just better with that gun than anything else. You like it better than anything else, and you can’t even. You may not be even able to say why that is, but I don’t think that there’s anything out there better than a brick and mortar store that can help you find that gun, whatever that is for you specifically, I agree.

Austin: And so this is to bring up a little bit of my passion play college football coach, college football. There was a guy I played with named Janoris Jenkins. He was a very good cornerback. We were a D2 school that I played at. He went on to the NFL, drafted by then Saint Louis Rams, and he was a guy that, like, could play the position in a way. It was instinctual. He couldn’t tell you how he did it. He just went, did it, and he was very good at it. Guns are very similar to that. When you pick it up, you just feel it. It’s something in the hand, the way it grips, the way it contours to your body, that it becomes an extension of you. But only you can know that. I can recommend five different guns, but that may not work for you because you have just a different feel about it. I usually say I don’t recommend individual models, I recommend the recommend manufacturers, and among the manufacturers you will probably find something that will fit you, because of course there are bad manufacturers out there to stay away from. But broadly speaking, there’s a lot of options these days, both foreign and domestic. It’s amazing the amount of choices that we have, even colors, sizes, calibers. We truly are in a great moment for firearms where there are more options now than there has ever been, and it’s continuing to expand out. The downside is it’s driving some of the smaller manufacturers out of business just because there’s so much in the space, but it’s really awesome to see people find that fit. And of course, there’s a trainer to see them improve as they shoot. And that look of just pure accomplishment on their face is priceless. It really is.

Wade: Yeah, and I think that’s what’s so cool about you expanding to a range. Right. So. So now you’re like, okay, so we’re going to have a range which is going to improve our training capabilities, but it’s going to improve our sales capabilities as well because is the range going to be attached to the shop or how are you going to do that. Are you going to just take your current position or location and throw something on there, or are you going to do a whole new location and move everything over there? Yeah, a.

Austin: Whole new location. Our current shop is about 700ft². It was built into an old motel. So like we’re in the main street facing, I guess it would be front desk area of what the motel used to be, and they converted all the rooms into apartments behind us. No way to do a range. So we’re moving to an old Mills warehouse. Actually, the mill was built in the 1890s, but they built a in the early 2000. They built a warehouse. The mill went out of business. We’re converting the warehouse into a 10,000 square foot shop and range. You’ll be attached so we can do that training. Also the try before you buy aspect as well. Like hey, I’m interested in the sig p365. Well here’s our here’s one. Why don’t you go take it out, run a magazine through and just see how it feels. Almost taking like a car out on a test drive tech thing, because you could pick it up until you actually pull the trigger, feel the recoil. You don’t actually know how it’ll work for you.

Wade: So that’s like my range as a member. I get basically free for the most part, free access to all the rental guns. Right? So I can if I want. So I’ll just shoot this one today or I’ll shoot that. And then it’s I always go back to what I put up with Jillian rounds through. But it is fun sometimes to change it up for. Are you going to keep the original location?

Austin: No, we’re giving up the original location. We’re just renting right now, so we are going to move back.

Wade: Back in the day, they’ll have a picture right of like, this is where we started. Well, it’s going to go from your house to that location. And that’s cool because you have that upward trend, right? Yeah. It’s like if you’re for your residence, if you live in a one bedroom and then you go to a townhouse and then you go to a house, right? Yeah. You as your family grows or as you grow, the location grows. That’s exciting. Now, are you concerned about how far away is the new location from your current store? It’s a block. Oh, great.

Austin: We’re still right off Main Street. We’re very fortunate. That kind of fell into our lap. It wasn’t planned. We were looking at and well, I guess we started this project about two and a half years ago looking at building a new location. So we were looking to move like out of town just because of cost and availability of land. But luckily this ended up popping up and it made sense. So sometimes things are it feels like they’re meant to be, and things just started tumbling into place where it’s like, well, I guess this is what we’re going to do. Well, when you.

Wade: Take that leap of faith, the universe, God or the universe, whatever your belief system is, seems to reward you. It does if you’re doing the things the right way and you’re taking. But that’s the thing, is that and that’s what I think that a lot of people maybe listening to the podcast and they’re thinking, well, maybe I want to start a side business or whatever is you don’t have to go get the SBA loan for $1.8 million to start your business. You can start in your house.

Austin: We started our brick and mortar. I was like $40,000. That’s what the bank gave us. Of course, we put in some of our own capital, but. And pinch pennies. But you don’t like you said the brick and mortar, or that’s for a brick and mortar out of my home. The FFL fee was like 150 bucks. Ours. Now that there’s are some cities that do require extra certifications. Ours did not. So there wasn’t like an extra fee on top of it. But I started the whole thing with like $1,000, and then it just took off from there. And in at least in the firearm space. It is nice that it is changing, but it’s broadly word of mouth, just because of the restrictions on social media and stuff of what you can share. But once you get a good reputation in the firearm community is very loyal. Like you said earlier, we really do band together. It’s really awesome to see the loyal customers that are built not just for us, but for other places. And I love hearing about I. I go up to Duluth and they have this great little shop and I’ll go visit them because like, I think that’s awesome to hear. So it’s really cool. Find your place and, and stick with them because they’re going through it with you. And if you want to start your own, it’s awesome. Right now it’s a good time. More people, unfortunately, are leaving the firearm business than getting into it. So well, there’s that.

Wade: Like you said, there’s that older generation that’s aging out. Yeah. Right. But and that the younger generation isn’t quite there yet. So there is an opportunity now. And we talked about in the beginning of the podcast where we talked about how like the location really helped. Right. And now that was an accident. Right. But now it’s one of your biggest assets, because I’m assuming now that as you’re growing and you have the range, it’s gonna be very difficult for another competitor to come into your area. When you’ve got the established range, you’ve got the established connections. It’s almost like a first to market advantage.

Austin: And there is an element of that, of course, and that’s true for most businesses. Obviously, you got a small town and one big box store comes in. There’s really not any others that follow, not that we’re a big box store. But, you know, the reality is they probably won’t support another gun range other than ours. And a bank would look at that kind of sideways like you want to borrow how much to build something that is already there. So I guess we got that built in advantage. Just like you said. It was an accident, not planned. I had no idea we were going to when I filled out the original FFL paperwork, and no idea that it was going to end up being my full time job, let alone like this million plus dollar project. I did it because I like collecting guns and I bought so many. I was trying to cut out FFL fees, so it’s amazing how it grows. But that has been the story for so many of the gun shops around here. It’s a small community, we all know each other and they almost all started as tabletop did, a small time, mostly for myself. And then well, we’re got out, got busy. Well let’s see, we’ll open a smaller shop. Well, outgrew that space. Let’s upgrade and see where that goes. You probably you have more experience talking to other broader people than me, but I’m sure that’s somewhat similar story to many.

Wade: Yeah, the one constant that I see a lot in the brick and mortar, though, is everyone talks about the relationships, and that’s the biggest thing was that is some people think that, oh, I’ve got to know everything about guns. Oh, I’ve got to know everything about training or tactical or whatever. And you could do a gun store a lot of different ways, right? You can do it on the tactical side. You can do it in the hunting side. You can do it on the collector side. You can do it on the luxury high end side. You can do it on Long gun, right? It doesn’t really matter. But the one thing that they all have in common is they talk about just customer comes in, just talk to them. Customer service and relationships. And if that’s the one takeaway, I think from the podcast, that new gun owner, new gun store owners for brick and mortar can really take away is that you’re when you build a relationship, it’s an asset in your business. Exactly.

Austin: And yeah, you do not have to know everything about firearms. First off, you will never know everything about firearms. The new stuff comes out all the time, and we’re still discovering things about the old stuff that we didn’t know. The reality is always be excited to learn and don’t be afraid to say, well, I don’t know, but I’ll go find out for you. People don’t like it when you lie to them, of course, but you can figure out the basics fairly easily. There is some general principles that apply to all of them universally, so you can learn a little bit about that. I would encourage people it’s like a doctor or a lawyer become specialized in what makes the most sense to you. Older collector stuff is my thing. We have another big range about 35 minutes from us really awesome owners, and they’re all in the tactical training and they built their range around that aspect and it works very well for them. And that’s really awesome because their knowledge is different than mine. So find what it is that you want to specialize in. I had the opportunity to meet Ian McCollum from Forgotten Weapons Big Collector. He’s like Gun Jesus is his moniker for a lot of people in the firearms community. And I was like, man, how do you do it? Because every collector gun that comes through, I want to buy and take home. But obviously I’d be out of business if that worked. He’s like, you got to find something that you want to do and stick with it.

Austin: And I think that does apply, though, to your business as well. Find what it is you want to be passionate about, and don’t be afraid to hire other people. I have a gentleman working for me. His name is Gary, who’s a Smith and Wesson savant. He knows where Smith and Wesson is than I will ever know. So any time we get a Smith and Wesson question, it’s like, hey, Gary, why don’t you come over here? Here’s the Smith and Wesson Model 29 revolver. He will tell you all about it. So I don’t even need to know about that, though. You will learn the drips of knowledge off of people like that. And if you’re looking to get into a gun store, you probably have friends that are really good in certain areas. So whether they work for you or not, bring them in as a consultant. And I have no problem doing that. And it’s worked well for us. And truthfully, every gun store I know we all kind of share around, I got that big tactical range. They’ll call me about some collector stuff that comes in sometimes and be like, hey, we got this, what is it? But on the flip side, if I needed to know something about competition shooting for a specific customer, I’ll call them up. And what would you recommend to build this competition revolver for them? So, chair, I think that’s probably my best advice I can give you.

Wade: This episode is brought to you by Tactical Paycom. Every few years, it seems large banks and national credit card processors suddenly decide that they no longer want to process payments for firearms and firearms related businesses, and so they drop these businesses with almost no notice, freezing tens of thousands of dollars in payments for months on end. If you want to ensure your partner with a payments provider that is dedicated to supporting the firearms industry, or you just want to find out if you could be paying less for your ACH, debit and credit card processing, visit Again, that’s You can have strategic partnerships and especially if you don’t compete, right. Because it is a big it’s a big enough space for everyone. I think sometimes it’s easy to get fooled, to think all the whole world is in the firearms space, but it’s actually a very small business like compared to other businesses. And I think you said something very important, which is find that thing that works for you and then just keep doubling and tripling down on that. I think that’s true in any business.

Wade: Like for me, I write for the firearms industry, and there’s all sorts of different types of writing that you can do. But for me, for whatever reason, it was just newsletters, right? So it was like, oh, we’re going to write newsletters and everyone needed a newsletter. And then the way that we did it and it was great and everyone liked it. And so then that that built out my whole business. And I think that’s the one thing, is that when you’re thinking about starting a firearms business or any business, what do you want your niche to be? And then start there. But then maybe the marketplace will tell you, oh no, you’re actually your niche is something else because of the location of where you are. How are you seeing that in the collecting market? Right. Because I’m thinking is you’re going to rural Minnesota basically, right. Your suburb to the Twin Cities, right. But Minnesota is not it’s like not very dense population wise. How does that affect the collectors market where you are say that versus if you were in California?

Austin: It is interesting. Growing up in Alabama, for instance, lever guns just aren’t a thing in the South. I knew occasional people that had them out here. Winchester collecting pre 64 Winchesters and older or even some of the the Henrys, the Old Henrys, the 1870s Henrys and stuff like that. That is huge in the collectors market here. So in the sense I had to learn all that stuff, what to look for because I grew up in the military firearm collection, which is more of a southeastern northeastern thing, uh, where California, some of it’s just based on the restrictions of what you can and can’t own. They certainly have the military collectors, but they still they still like some of their old bolt guns. It is very regional. That is also the kind of the cool thing about firearms there are. It doesn’t matter where you are in the country. I would encourage you to travel the country and visit a gun shop in each one, in each like region and see what they carry, because this could be vastly different, not just ten round mags to be California legal. I’m talking like the actual firearms themselves are going to be vastly different. When I was out in California, the Ruger Mini 14 was one of the most popular guns that you would see because it complies with all their restrictions. It allows you to shoot that 2 to 3 cartridge.

Austin: But out here, not really that big of a thing. We have some in our shop and they don’t really move the man. We get a Winchester in pre 64 that is gone within an hour. It is amazing to see that. And that is something that you will have to tailor to your market. Some of it is trial and error. Of course you don’t exactly know your market until you get into it and it does change all the time. Carbines were big. Pistol based. Firearms were big. Even though there’s been some legal rulings that allow us to have pistol braces again, not really moving like they were before. So it is a constant change you will have to keep up with. But as far as collectors go, I have noticed though too, the video games are very much tied to it. When Call of Duty World War Two came out, man. World War Two guns flew off the shelf like there was no tomorrow. It didn’t matter. It slowed down a little bit in recent years. But you know, if they announce a new patch for the next game, it will tip back up again. And that’s true for like Ares, the latest Modern Warfare shooters. Daniel Defense sells very well because of stuff like that. Yeah. But in the inner years not as much.

Wade: Well, I live in Virginia Beach, and so you can’t spit and not eat a special horse person out here, right? Or someone who’s LARPing as a Special Forces person. Right. And so like, that’s a Daniel defense and all your like super gooch and accessories and all that good stuff. Right. But like growing up in North Dakota, like the you talk about the leather gun. I think a lot of it has to do with just the lore of where you live. Right? Like the Westerns, like when you’re in North Dakota, like you, everyone has an uncle that likes John Wayne and has some, has a mural of a dude and a horse with a lever gun. Right. Whatever. And and then in on the East Coast, we have the actual Civil War battlefields. So you’re going to have people like, I got to have a musket or whatever. Right. And I think that is it. Those images of firearms for good, for the collective side are formed for people in that way.

Austin: And that is true. You don’t see a lot of Civil War relics up here because, well, no battles were fought in Minnesota. Growing up in Alabama, we were five minutes from a Civil War battlefield. That’s just how it worked out. So it is regional. And the mythos of the lever gun, which is not even the myth, really. It really did conquer the West. That is true. We are in the West, therefore you see a lot more of them. So it is an element of that and it is cool to see just the differences. Like you said, Virginia Beach, VA lots. I’m sure lots of military members in Southern California too. Obviously San Diego and all. You got a lot of military bases, therefore a lot of military members that are higher end Ars with all the pet boxes and truly tens of thousands of dollars worth of accessories and stuff, is what people love to see and would try to go for within the legal limits of the state. Whereas in rural Minnesota it’s not so much like that. One of our best selling guns is just the Savage 220, which is a bolt shotgun, because we got shotgun only restrictions in southern Minnesota for hunting, which in Alabama you would never be able to move because there is no restrictions is as long as it’s.

Wade: So crazy to me that you have a shotgun restriction. In Minnesota, when I was in North Dakota, we did hunter safety and like God, it was like fifth grade or sixth grade. We were shooting at school like it was crazy. Like, I don’t think it was crazy. I think it was awesome. Yeah. I went to school with the shotgun in there in the back of the truck and the rack and the on the, you know, the rear window and I it’s just fascinating to me to see how Minnesota has changed politically.

Austin: It has Alabama going to college. We’re allowed to have guns in our dorms at the University of North Alabama as God.

Wade: And as God intended. Yeah.

Austin: So the state passed the law saying that it was up to the individual school in the fall, practicing for football, a game on Saturday night, and everyone had the guns in the car, like you said, cross the tracks as soon as practice is over, you go out, hunt for a little bit. Like that’s how it would work. It wasn’t until I moved to New York that I realized that wasn’t normal. I mentioned it to one of the coaches I was working with, and he’s like, you had what, in your dorm? And I was like, well, where else would I put it, right? I wanted to hunt. I will leave it in the trunk like it will rust. If I do that, why would I do that or steal it?

Wade: It’s not a it’s not safe to secured leaving it overnight in your car.

Austin: And just had to be unloaded in the dorm which you know, and locked up, which is fine. Whatever. Yeah. Like I said, moving to New York, that was a whole new like, oh, wait a minute. Hang on. What now you can’t do what?

Wade: Well, that’s just I think those attitudes are changing. You said like, Covid changed a lot of different things. That’s what makes money and all that. And I think it’s really easy when you live in a state that is relatively safe to be like, just have a very surface understanding of firearms. Yes, you shouldn’t have it. Firearms bad. But then when things start to get a little more dicey where you live, you’d be have much different people coming into the shop than you normally would. Right.

Austin: All right. I don’t know about Virginia, but we have a permit to purchase requirement for handguns and AR AK style guns, and in 2020 it had a whole bunch of people because the national news Minneapolis rioted, obviously burned. They were like, I need personal protection. We got all these people running through my neighborhood, and it’s like, I’m sorry you don’t have your permit. We can’t sell to you. And they get angry. Like, what do you mean they all have guns? I understand that I am sympathetic to that and I agree with you. You should call your state senator, your state house member and immediately get this changed. However, in the current fear, we have to have these things. And it was really tough too because everybody was sent home. You couldn’t just walk into your local police precinct to go fill out the paperwork. You had to get appointments and then wait. And it was not easy to do. And I felt bad for people. But like you said, it has opened the eyes. We’ve seen a dramatic shift amongst the general populace, all the polling coming out on guns, that they’re not as supportive of many of these laws as they once were. And of course, unrest in the world also pushes people to like, hey, maybe I need something.

Wade: Well, and so I lived in Los Angeles for a long time where I met my wife and. Oh, sorry.

Austin: About the traffic out there, man.

Wade: Oh, it was so brutal. I was, I and I was I had a different career. I was a lawyer in Los Angeles. Oh, sure. And but I drove around the courts every day. So I’m always on the freeways, and this is horrible. And when I moved my wife’s from Virginia Beach. And So now I’m from Virginia Beach and and I love it. I never miss Los Angeles. So if you’re in Los Angeles right now and you’re listening to the podcast or one of my buddies, I’m sure it’s great for you. But for me, real quick, it does.

Austin: It’s funny how you said that my wife’s from Virginia Beach, so therefore I am my wife’s from Minnesota. Yeah. So therefore I am it happens.

Wade: Well, my my dad and my brother live in Arizona. So when I was picking where we were going to move from LA, it was between Arizona and because of our family. Right. So Arizona were being eight minutes from the beach. I was like, I didn’t protest too much from that.

Austin: No, the beach probably wins on that one. Yeah, exactly.

Wade: Especially right now in Arizona, it’s like 115 degrees right now. Sure. And no, but the point I was going to make with that transition was when I moved to Virginia, I walked into a gun shop and I bought a gun, and I was like, I couldn’t believe how easy it was to buy a gun in a good way. Whereas, like, I didn’t have to take a test. There’s no waiting period. I just handed them a Virginia driver’s license and they ran me in and took five minutes. They run you over, make sure you’re not a criminal, and then you walk out with a gun. It took 20 minutes. We’re in California. There’s, like you said, there’s all these obstructions to purchasing a firearm. Even if you’re not going to do an everyday carry or even if you’re going to have one gun or maybe not even own a gun, do all the requirements when things are calm and learn when things are calm, because you’re not going to be able to acquire the guns or the skills when that when the excrement hits the fan, as they like to say. Right. So and that’s the great part about a brick and mortar stores, because there is a ramp up education, there is a ramp up process to owning a gun from the education side, but also from the comfort side, because some people are very scared of them, and you’re not going to be able to bridge those two gaps through the internet.

Austin: And you won’t be able to do it without actually shooting one either. Don’t be me wrong again. I train people dry fire. You can do a lot of stuff with dry fire practice. That is true. However, there is still no substitute for actually firing the weapon. You should never pick up a gun and carry it that you have not personally fired at some point, at least a little bit. If you’ve watched the Net or the Amazon Prime show Jack Reacher, he says that in the first episode. That is very true, actually, that is exactly what you should do. There is a story about Buck Thompson, which was the sergeant from the Band of Brothers series, The Real Guy, where when he dropped into Normandy, he lost his kit with his weapon and he ended up finding off of a fallen paratrooper, a Thompson submachine gun. But he had never trained on the Thompson, so he didn’t understand how to work the jam. And when it jammed while they were assaulting a trench, he ended up just tossing the gun at the German because he didn’t understand what to do with it. And while it worked out for him because he lived through the war and so on and so forth, that’s a good example of why you should be familiar with the weapon system that you’re using. And while in the military, they do a lot of cross training, so someone falls, they can pick it up and keep going. This is true in your personal life. If you’re going to shoot, you should always shoot whatever you’re carrying the most. I have a lot of collector guns. I like to shoot them, but I shoot them minimal compared to my everyday carry. You got to get comfortable with it and unfortunately a lot of people are scared. Some of it’s just because of what they were told and because it seems so overwhelming. But you, like you said, you can’t bridge that during chaos. You can only bridge that during the calming effect.

Wade: Yeah, well, and that’s the other thing too, is I take everyday carry for example. Right. So people don’t understand is that just like buying a gun or finding the right gun, where are you going to, where are you going to put it in your holster on your body. That’s different for everybody. I for the longest time I try to do appendix and just try to do appendix. I was like, I don’t care if I print. I’m rocking a strong side. I don’t care because I can’t. I just could not I’m not, I’m not I’m like six, four, two, 15. So there’s not a problem with that. But I just could for whatever reason, I just couldn’t get comfortable with it. And you have to go through those iterations because like I said, if you need to start carrying a gun out because things are going crazy around you, you don’t want to draw attention to yourself because you’re experiencing discomfort, because you’ve never done it before right.

Austin: And the other thing is, you’re going to be way more self-conscious about it because you know what you have where if you just a fun exercise, I tell all my classes like we should do is go to your local mall, sit down and watch, just watch people. No one’s paying attention. They’re in their phone out, or they’re focused on whatever that task that they’ve set out to do. No one’s paying any attention to anything else going around them. We’ve all seen the YouTube videos of people walking in the doors or into polls or into glass because they’re texting and walking or whatever it is you’re printing isn’t going to be that noticeable. Most likely, if you live in a place like Minnesota, you got all these thick coats and stuff on. Probably not going to print at all, especially in the winter, but also from just a real world example. Like people were carrying these massive phones on their belt clips, people will more likely assume that’s what it is. It’s one of my jobs is working as counterterrorism as we were taught to body language reading. It’s amazing how many people just don’t pay any attention to what is going on around them. Like you said, with appendix carry, I’m a larger guy. It digs into the gut, not something super comfortable. I flirted with it for a while and it was a very after a month of trying, it was like, this is miserable. And I did what you did. I rocked strong side, whatever. I don’t care if and but the reality is you’re probably not going to know. And that’s true. You’re just going to be way more self-conscious about it than anybody around you. Because again, you know what you have. Yeah.

Wade: Well, and the only people that are going to know are other people that are caring. Yeah.

Austin: And they’re usually not the problem.

Wade: They’re not. They’re never the problem. They’re concealed. If you’re a concealed carry permit holder, your crime statistics are like abysmally low. Yeah. For a good way is if you’re going to go, if you’re going to go through the training and you’re going to because most states require some level of training, right. And you’re going to go through the training, you’re going to apply for it and you’re going to like figure out which gun you’re going to use, and you’re going to figure out which holster you’re going to use. And you go through all of that and you’re going to get your wardrobe is going to you’re going to make sure that you can do it. You’re doing it so that it’s to protect yourself and to protect your family. Like you said, it’s not a surprise anybody can go rob a store, right? Because I was paying any attention to anything.

Austin: And it also cost a lot of money. At least in Minnesota. Our class is cheaper than most. But you got the county fee to get the permit. You got to take a class before that, especially these days. If you want to get a good everyday carry that’s reliable, a minimum of probably 250 to 300 bucks is what you’re going to need just for a low end one. You just spent hundreds of dollars to go do this and went out of your way to do it. Which really tells me a lot about your character right off the bat, because you decide to do it, as opposed to just going to the end of the corner and picking something out of someone’s trunk and strapping it to you and going, that’s really the firearm community. The lawful gun owner is such a statistical anomaly. When one of them commits a crime, because we really do a good job of being like good, upstanding citizens, even accidental discharges, which are terrible and of course, 100% preventable. We’re still talking less than like 200 people a year in a country that has 450 million firearms in 336 million people. Yeah, that’s not even a statistical significant stat. It is so small, thank God. And we wanted to get that to zero of course. But. Right. You know and that’s the.

Wade: Part of the education part to where a brick and mortar store like yours is so powerful for the community and that we want to do everything we can for every brick and mortar store to thrive. Because I’m an optimist on the American people, but I’m a pessimist right now on America, if that makes sense. No, that makes sense. Like I think we’re going to get sorted out, but I think there’s going to be some trials and tribulation before the people sort it out peacefully.

Austin: Yeah. The key word there peacefully.

Wade: Yeah. So during that time there are going to be people on the edge that were not done. People like you when you were in college, you were not a gun person. You’re not a gun person. Then you came into the fold and then where are they going to go? Well, they’re going to go to their local gun store. And if they meet a person like you who’s like, well, okay, let’s just talk like and they start to maybe they don’t do anything the first time, then maybe they come in again, right? And they go through this process where three years later, maybe they’re in everyday. They’re they have an everyday carry permit and they’re super knowledgeable and they’re an asset to the community, because that’s what people don’t understand is that people who carry, who have concealed carry permits, or people who train with firearms are an asset to the community. They are not a liability to the community. That’s why that the stores like yours are only going to become more important over the next months, years, decades going forward.

Austin: Unfortunately, you mentioned it earlier. You got the word firearm safety in school. That’s still a thing in some states, but most states unfortunately have taken it out of school, so the education has to come from somewhere else. I’ve talked to our mayor a lot here. We’re a small town of 8600 people I think is the last stat was, and luckily I know him. And I was like, we need to fill that gap because odds are, with this many guns and this many people, you will come across one at some point in your life. It is something that you will walk across. Maybe your grandfather passes away and you’re cleaning out his house, and I don’t know. There’s an old Winchester sitting in his closet. I just had a lady walk in with a, you know, one of those 50 gallon totes full of handguns. My ex-husband passed away. He didn’t have any family. I’m taking care of it. Every single one were loaded with rounds in the chamber. She had no idea how to unload them, at least from a safety perspective. Us as the brick and mortar need to be out there promoting that and showing how that works from a everyday carry. Lawful gun owner. If you’re going to be a concealed carry person, and I encourage everyone to use the rights that they have, it’s hard to take away a right when you’re using it than when you’re not using it. You will become the spokesperson of all firearm owners. Unfortunately, if, God forbid, you ever have to use your weapon in self-defense, it’s not fair it, but it’s the reality. But you are an excellent spokesperson because you’re just an everyday person.

Austin: There’s nothing about you that exalts you over anybody else. I tell our classes all the time that while we have to take the class and get a permit, unlike some constitutional carry states, this doesn’t give us any kind of like extra authority or anything because we’re just an everyday person. Anyone that’s not a felon can do this. You just come in, you take the class, you go pay your fee. You can now carry a gun because we’re all equal. Every single one of us. That makes you an excellent spokesperson. And it’s exciting to see all the new faces and all the new people doing it, and to see them get excited. And that is why, like you said, I am also positive I got a very positive outlook on the firearm community because it’s the everyday people that are changing the opinions. It’s not the people up top. That’s the ones I’m mostly pessimistic about. But the everyday person is realizing that it’s not exactly what they’ve been told. I think a perfect example would be like suppressors. We sell suppressors. We are a class three dealer. We deal with all that and it has become so nonchalant now where even just five years ago, people are like, well, why do you need a silencer? Are you trying to commit murder? And nobody knows about it? There’s so many people buying them, they realize it’s not like John Wick, where he can shoot in Grand Central Station and no one know. That’s not how that works. And that’s just the everyday person becoming aware of it. So I think it’s very exciting. Well, and.

Wade: I think everyone should know, like you said, at least twice in my life I have unloaded a clear firearm. Right? One time I was 11 years old and my dad’s friend brought a 22 over that he had. He’s like, hey, do you want this? Do my dad or whatever? And he handed it to him. He looked at it and he handed it to me. Right. And two adults had handled that gun before they handed it to me. And I was like 11. And I checked it and there was a round in the chamber and it was. And I had it clear they were like, Holy shit. They were like, oh my God, right. And then I was at a party when in my 20s and some somebody passed out drunk and they had a gun, and they handed the gun to me because they knew it was from North Dakota. They’re like, do something with this. So I would unload it, right? And so people are like, oh, it’s never going to happen to me. It’s like, you never know when something like that is going to happen.

Austin: And it happens all the time as brick and mortar store, whether it we make custom holsters. We got to have your gun, the press it out, hand it to me Rounds in the chamber. We’ve had them in the mail. Come through the mail with rounds in the chamber. I pull it out of the box, I rack it and out comes a shell. And you just go on. What on earth? And of course, we have contact person for the shipper. I make sure to call him up and be like, just so you know, yeah, you did this, but you could do it in a reinforcing but not yell at them.

Wade: Because you don’t want them to do it again. Yeah. Let’s learn from and no one’s perfect. No. Like, you can get distracted when you’re handling a firearm or whatever. And then you do something, you’re like, oh man, I’ve had people. I’ve had people at The Gunnery. I have had the the supervisor guy at the gun range flag me with this with a firearm before I’m like, bro, you run the you’re running the range right now. You got the vest on. Don’t flag me with the gun.

Austin: So seal carry classes are that way. You know you got especially now post 2020 I’d say probably about 5,560% of our concealed carry classes now are people who have never handled a gun before. And as the person on the firing line, there is nothing more terrifying than handing someone a loaded firearm. Even though it’s just a 22, it can still cause serious damage. Of course, that you don’t know and be like, don’t shoot me with it, please.

Austin: Flagged me more often than not. And again, like you said, it’s not intentional. It’s they don’t mean it. It’s just you have to be like, hey, listen, these are the four universal rules of firearm safety. And number one is we treat all of them as loaded. And we number two is we never point a gun at anything we’re not willing to destroy. And you just you can real quickly slap it down and be like, hey, this is why we’re doing it. But yeah, even in the gun community, it’s a struggle. I had a guy recently, it was his fifth renewal and he flagged me and he’s like, I’ve been there, I’ve carried for, well, it’s like 25 years. It’s like, come on, man, you should know, you should know.

Wade: It’s like Harley motorcycles, right? Like the most fatal accidents with Harley motorcycles is something like at 11,000 miles or 12,000 miles or whatever. Right. It’s like that mid-range where people are now. They don’t have the fear anymore at the beginning. Then they’re overconfident, and that’s when they kill themselves that cycle.

Wade: Because they’re like, oh, I know everything now. I don’t have to apply the rules like I did before. And it’s like, no, the moment you disrespect this, it kills you.

Austin: Exactly.

Wade: And that’s why I take all my lessons private with my one guy. Right? Because I was like, I don’t, I don’t want to be on and I just am lucky enough to be able to do that. But and I’m not trying to sway anyone off taking lessons. Everyone should take lessons. But you got to find the right instructor or the right group of people that I really want to learn from.

Austin: And unfortunately, from the instructor standpoint, and this is something I do think that is being corrected slowly in the gun community is it was a pretty low bar to be a a firearm instructor, and in some cases it still is depending on the organization. So slapping your certified firearm instructor from so and so well, that may or may.

Wade: I know exactly what organization you’re talking about.

Austin: And it’s like that doesn’t mean what it used to mean. It’s unfortunate. Now we are seeing other organizations step up to the plate and it is starting to filter out. And that is great. We need that. It’s not as deep, or at least it used to not be as deep as you would think it would mean. To be fair going circling back to you want to go start your own FFL? Starting an FFL is not as hard as some people make it out to be. You literally fill out a form, pay a fee, and then it’s a waiting game. It took like eight months for the ATF to get around doing the background check and do the in-person interview they do. It is not as deep as you would think. It is right, wrong or indifferent. We won’t get into that, but that is just true.

Wade: All the regulation Stuff after though, that’s where the rubber hits the road.

Austin: Because then it’s on you once you have it. Yeah. To comply with all 350,000 firearm laws in the United States. Yeah. And you are expected to know all of them. Yeah. Our next door neighbor was a family lawyer and we had a bet. I was like, I bet you I get more legal questions in a month than you did. And I beat her 5 to 1. And that’s like her job. She’s a lawyer. The amount of legal cases and law questions that we get, that is the one thing that you should look into as a gun dealer. You’re not required to know it, but you should know it because the questions will come up or at least have someone you can refer to.

Wade: You need to have a. But if you’re going to get legal counsel, get it from a lawyer that does.

Austin: And that’s what we do. We have a local lawyer that does that. And it’s just like, listen, I can tell you the rough stuff. This is what you should do, but you should absolutely talk to this guy. Yeah, he is the guy. And he’ll answer your questions because we are not a lawyer, so we’re not giving legal advice.

Wade: One of my law claim to fame was I got two guys that still carry permits in Southern California, and this is before this is 15, 20 years ago. Nobody got that. And I had to do a I had to submit a brief for each of them, like this thick of stuff.

Austin: Oh, geez.

Wade: And and I was like, I did that one time. I was like, I don’t want to do firearms law. It’s like, I don’t. So I just people ask me those questions and I’m like, nope.

Austin: Yeah, I took my cat.

Austin: I and of course it’s a moving target. It always it’s always changing whether it’s state or federally. Sometimes you’re in a great state, say Missouri, where they’re lessening the burden. That’s usually not the case. It’s usually increasing the burden. Minnesota is definitely been trending in that direction. It’s all very nuanced, even in the constitutional carry sphere. There are still restrictions on where you can carry the firearm. That doesn’t mean just because it’s a constitutional carry state doesn’t mean that every building is okay. There are still restrictions. And then like in the case of Florida, well, it’s constitutional carry for concealed carry. It is not for open Carry. For whatever reason, that’s how they decide to split the baby. So there is so much nuance here. It is amazing. We’re seeing it pop up, obviously in the Supreme Court with like bump stocks, how nuanced this has become. It’s frustrating. It’s still rewarding because most of the time it comes down in our favor. So it’s nice finally, after decades of it not. And the good.

Wade: Thing is, that’s why a brick and mortar store like yours is so important is because it’s your job to stay abreast of those things, and you’re going to be able to have the network of people to talk to, to be able to sort these things out faster than you really want them.

Austin: It Changes.

Wade: Well, listen, man, I can literally talk to you for another hour and a half. We’re up on time. But how do people find you? Are you a social? Your website is 2IfBySeaTactical.Com and the two is the number 2. And then everything else is spelled normal. 2Ifbysea.Com where are you guys on social.

Austin: So we have Facebook at 2IBST. That’s 2 India Bravo Sierra Tango. And then that’s the same for YouTube and Instagram. We’ve kept that very consistent across how are.

Wade: You not on Twitter. You got to get on.

Austin: Oh I’m on next two I’m sorry I’m on am I I, I will admit I am new to the whole sphere. I joined it after a new ownership change and. We were slowly building up that.

Wade: What is your Twitter handle?

Wade: Do you know off the top of your head?

Austin: Let me double check. I’m pretty sure it’s 2IBST fairly sure that’s what I did. I have it right here on my phone. We are. Like I said, we are relatively new.

Wade: 2IBST I tell everybody in the firearms industry get on Twitter because I have met so many. We’ve interviewed some of them on the show, like I’ve met so many tactical wisdom brush, beta, those guys, you know, in their own what they do for training and stuff like that is I met them on Twitter. I’ve interviewed them on the show. I’m going out to North Carolina for a three day scout course in the fall. Like it’s Twitter is a great dumb. Twitter is really good. Well, that’s now, but Twitter is a really strong, powerful place because you’re not going to get censored. It’s the least amount of firearm censorship is.

Austin: Yes, it is. And I am very thankful to Mr. Musk for giving us the space. This is true in YouTube like we do our YouTube channel and stuff, but obviously it’s been immediately.

Austin: And then it’s been greatly decreased on how far our reach is, which it is what it is. But we are on X. Please come follow us because we’re trying to grow that. As I would like to eventually transition away from Facebook completely. That is our goal right now. We have more followers on Facebook than X, but that is the ultimate goal is to get away from that. Just because you can’t really say anything on Facebook these days.

Wade: Although my goal is to get an email list, I tell everybody this yes.

Austin: That’s what we do.

Wade: write for us, do a newsletter or get an email list, and that’s the whole goal because you control that email list. And exactly the nice thing about the firearms too. At the end of the day, if if worst comes to worst, you have everyone’s home address you can just mail it to everybody.

Austin: That is true.

Austin: That is true. We do send that out with our Christmas card.

Wade: It I love it all right brother. Well listen I know and on the website there’s a little chat bot where you can send you a message and you’ll get that too. So if someone wants, if there’s another, if there’s another brick and mortar guy out there or someone thinking about it, just send you a message. Send Austin a message on the website and he’ll it’ll be you. They’ll get back to them.

Austin: Yes, it will be. It will be me. I appreciate it, Wade, and thank you for having us on.

Wade: Absolutely, I loved it. And like I said, don’t be a stranger. I’ll have you back on the show six months or so and do a check in and see how that facility is.

Austin: Yeah, absolutely. We’d love to.

Wade: You’ve been listening to the Tactical Business Show by Tactical Paycom. Join us again next episode as we explore what it takes to be a business success in the firearms industry.