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Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms with David Codrea – Ep. 36

Strap in for yet another TacticalPay Radio episode! This week, we’re talking about the defense of the right to keep and bear arms. Joining Brett to explore this is David Codrea, who is a columnist and runs a popular blog called The War on Guns. David Codrea has been a gun rights advocate and writerContinue reading “Defending the Right to Keep and Bear Arms with David Codrea – Ep. 36”

The Winding Path to Firearms Podcasting with Dr. Bill Chachkes – Ep. 35

It’s time for yet another exciting episode of TacticalPay Radio! It’s strange what winding paths people take in the firearms community, and our guest this week has had a particularly fascinating one. Brett was joined by Dr. Bill Chachkes, who is the co-host of the Firearms Chat Podcast and was kind enough to share hisContinue reading “The Winding Path to Firearms Podcasting with Dr. Bill Chachkes – Ep. 35”

Empowering Women in the Firearms Community with Carrie Lightfoot – Ep. 34

Get ready for yet another TacticalPay radio episode! This week, we’re talking about empowering women in the firearms community. Brett is joined by Carrie Lightfoot, who is an influential gun rights proponent, a prolific writer, an NRA Board Member, and the founder of The Well Armed Woman (TWAW), a large and growing non-profit organization thatContinue reading “Empowering Women in the Firearms Community with Carrie Lightfoot – Ep. 34”

Podcasting on Laws and Guns with Matt Disher from the American Guns Podcast – Ep. 33

Strap in for a new episode of TacticalPay Radio! When it comes to guns and podcasting, it takes a ton of time and effort to put together a quality show… but it’s worth it! Brett was joined by an expert on this, Matt Disher from the American Guns Podcast (also a member of the Self-DefenseContinue reading “Podcasting on Laws and Guns with Matt Disher from the American Guns Podcast – Ep. 33”

Fighting the Good Fight with Craig DeLuz of The Firearms Policy Coalition – Ep. 32

Get ready for yet another TacticalPay radio episode! This week, we’re talking about firearms policy advocacy and more Brett is joined by Craig DeLuz, who is the Director of Legislative and Public Affairs for the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC), a 501(c)4 grassroots, non-partisan, nonprofit organization that advocates for individual liberties and important constitutional rights, particularlyContinue reading “Fighting the Good Fight with Craig DeLuz of The Firearms Policy Coalition – Ep. 32”

Firearms Training for Women with Julianna Crowder – Ep. 30

Get ready for yet another TacticalPay Radio episode! This episode is all about women and firearms… but more specifically, firearms training for women. Brett was joined by a true expert on this, Julianna Crowder, who has specialized in helping women develop their firearms skills, including founding A Girl and a Gun (a women’s shooting organization).Continue reading “Firearms Training for Women with Julianna Crowder – Ep. 30”

Personal Security with Sam Rosenberg of INPAX – Ep. 29

It’s time for yet another episode of TacticalPay Radio! This week we’re talking personal security. More specifically, we’re covering body guarding, and also self defense in general. Sharing his incredible expertise on these topics is our guest this week, Sam Rosenberg of INPAX, a business which offers extensive self-defense and personal security training. Sam RosenbergContinue reading “Personal Security with Sam Rosenberg of INPAX – Ep. 29”

Pistol Shooting with Brian Zins of Point Blank Range – Ep. 28

Get ready for yet another TacticalPay radio episode! This week, we’re talking all about pistol shooting. Joining Brett to share his expertise on this is Brian Zins, who is the Director of Training at Point Blank Range, a shooting range located in North Carolina. Brian Zins is a retired United States Marine Corps Military PoliceContinue reading “Pistol Shooting with Brian Zins of Point Blank Range – Ep. 28”

Bodyguarding and Firearms Courses with Michael J. Briggs of MN Firearms Training – Ep. 27

It’s time for yet another episode of TacticalPay Radio! We’ve got a couple new subjects to cover this week… body guarding and firearms training. Joining Brett to share his expertise and perspectives on these two areas is Michael J. Briggs. Michael is a bodyguard, survivalist instructor, and the owner and head instructor at MN Firearms.Continue reading “Bodyguarding and Firearms Courses with Michael J. Briggs of MN Firearms Training – Ep. 27”

Gun Policies and Rights in New York with Jacob Rieper of GunPoliticsNY – Ep. 26

Strap in for another episode of TacticalPay Radio! This week, we’ve got a bit more of a local political feel, with a show all about covering gun policy in the state of New York. Our guest is Jacob Rieper of GunPoliticsNY, a blog that focuses on the politics affecting the rights of citizens to own,Continue reading “Gun Policies and Rights in New York with Jacob Rieper of GunPoliticsNY – Ep. 26”

ELR Shooting with Mitch Fitzpatrick of Applied Ballistics – Ep. 25

It’s time for yet another episode of TacticalPay Radio! This week we’re covering an emerging topic in firearms… Extended Long Range (ELR) shooting. Helping Brett cover this, is someone who has won loads of ELR matches and is a true expert. Mitch Fitzpatrick is a college undergraduate, world-class extended long-range shooter, and Co-Owner of theContinue reading “ELR Shooting with Mitch Fitzpatrick of Applied Ballistics – Ep. 25”