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Firearms Safety With Bill Brassard Jr Of NSSF And Project ChildSafe

Whether you’re running a business in the firearms industry, part of an advocacy group, or just passionate about guns… firearms safety is critical.  On this episode, our guest is Bill Brassard, Jr. who is the Senior Director of Communications at the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). The NSSF developed a program called Project ChildSafe, whichContinue reading “Firearms Safety With Bill Brassard Jr Of NSSF And Project ChildSafe”

Firearms Product Reviews And Podcasting With Trey Miller Of Ghost Tactical

What do you get when you combine podcasting and insightful product reviews? Ghost Tactical, whose founder Trey Miller shared his story on this show. Trey is a Marine Corps veteran who started Ghost Tactical Productions in 2017. He’s a Marine Corps vet and a 2A advocate who preaches on concealed carry, self-reliance, and all aspectsContinue reading “Firearms Product Reviews And Podcasting With Trey Miller Of Ghost Tactical”

2A Advocacy On The Left With Ed Gardner Of The Liberal Gun Club

There are many people from a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints who are passionate about firearms rights. On this episode, we focus on a group that wouldn’t traditionally be associated with second amendment advocacy. Our guest is Ed Gardner, the Executive Director of The Liberal Gun Club. He has decades of experience in physicalContinue reading “2A Advocacy On The Left With Ed Gardner Of The Liberal Gun Club”

Defending Constitutional Freedoms With Caleb Kruckenberg Of The NCLA

Whether it’s gun rights, or other civil liberties, there are crucial organizations and individuals that work to defend them with a litigation strategy leveraging their legal background. Caleb Kruckenberg is litigation counsel for the New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) and joins the show to discuss the importance of navigating the judicial system in defense ofContinue reading “Defending Constitutional Freedoms With Caleb Kruckenberg Of The NCLA”

NRA And Government Accountability With Jeff Knox Of The Firearms Coalition

When it comes to firearms rights, organizations like the NRA, and Federal Government agencies need accountability. Jeff Knox, Director of The Firearms Coalition joins the podcast to discuss this and other firearms topics. The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. It was founded in 1984Continue reading “NRA And Government Accountability With Jeff Knox Of The Firearms Coalition”

Firearm Rights in Canada With Rod Giltaca Of CCFR

Firearms rights isn’t just an American issue. Our Canadian neighbors also have an ongoing battle to preserve their rights to own and operate firearms. On this episode, our guest is Rod Giltaca, the CEO & Executive Director for the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR). In addition to his work for the CCFR, Rod is aContinue reading “Firearm Rights in Canada With Rod Giltaca Of CCFR”

Holistic Firearms Instruction With Robert Butler Of Kenaz Tactical Group

When it comes to firearms training, a holistic approach can yield great results. Robert Butler, Chief Firearms Instructor at Kenaz Tactical Group in Pueblo West, CO joins the podcast to discuss the ins and outs of firearms instruction and training. Robert served as a Combat Engineer and Artilleryman during his career in the US ArmyContinue reading “Holistic Firearms Instruction With Robert Butler Of Kenaz Tactical Group”

Firearms Training Insights With Bree Michael Warner Of TactiGAL

On this episode of TacticalPay Radio, we discuss critical topics like firearms instruction, women in the world of firearms, and entrepreneurship. Our guest is Bree Michael Warner of TactiGal Inc. Bree is a true Renaissance Woman. She’s found success in acting, writing, producing, photography… and that’s not to mention her bona fides as a firearmsContinue reading “Firearms Training Insights With Bree Michael Warner Of TactiGAL”

Managing A Large Firearms Business With Mike Rust Of H&H Shooting Sports

Growth and expansion are great things for any business, and those experiencing it in the firearms industry is no different. But when a business becomes large enough, what goes into maintaining that success? What are some of the downsides that need to be navigated? Our guest is Mike Rust, who is the General Manager ofContinue reading “Managing A Large Firearms Business With Mike Rust Of H&H Shooting Sports”

Defending The 2nd With Michael Ware Of The Iowa Firearms Coalition

When it comes to the world of firearms, there are some individuals who truly stand out amongst defenders of the 2nd Amendment. Our guest on this show, Michael Ware is one of those individuals and stopped by to share his perspective. Michael is a contributor to, the CEO of Controlled Chaos Arms, and aContinue reading “Defending The 2nd With Michael Ware Of The Iowa Firearms Coalition”

Fashionable Carrywear with Amy Robbins of Alexo Athletica

Many in the firearms world lead active lifestyles and may wish to carry a firearm for personal protection. These women and men need fashionable and functional clothing that can make it more comfortable to do so. That’s where our guest, Amy Robbins of Alexo Athletica, comes in. Amy Robbins is a successful entrepreneur, popular podcaster,Continue reading “Fashionable Carrywear with Amy Robbins of Alexo Athletica”

Defensive Firearms Insights with Raziel Cohen, “The Tactical Rabbi”

It’s not always easy to balance the many commitments of work and life, particularly in fast paced world of firearms training. Raziel Cohen, AKA “The Tactical Rabbi” joins the show to explore how he balances life between being a security specialist and Hassidic Rabbi. Rabbi Cohen is the owner and founder of National Defensive FirearmsContinue reading “Defensive Firearms Insights with Raziel Cohen, “The Tactical Rabbi””